Hillclimb is a time trial on a closed road – almost like a very short single stage of a rally. Competitors drive individually against the clock between fixed start and finish points over a challenging course. Fastest person to the top wins. There are classes to cater for cars of different capacities or similar performance.
Hills are generally around one mile long, however there a few hills which are longer and there is a difference in altitude between the start and finish lines. A sprint is pretty much the same as a hillclimb – except it is run on the flat.
You will see an amazing selection of cars on your average Hillclimb weekend. Everything from Single seaters (Lant, Formula Opel Lotus, Judd powered Pilbeam, OMS to name a few) to 300Bhp MKII Ford Escorts, Darrians to beautiful Starlets, Minis, Novas and historic cars will be there. Once the strict safety requirements are met, pretty much anything goes in Hillclimbing.
To compete you must be aged 16 and over, have a competition car (that confirms to the scrutiny requirements as defined by MI), racing suit, gloves, balaclava and helmet that meet the Safety requirements.